Services to suit every business

Marvellous Training Solutions assesses where your business can improve and delivers high impact training to ensure that it does.

  • Most popular programmes

    Our most popular high impact Zoom programmes are ‘Winning Quality Instructions’ (covering everything valuers should do before, during and after valuations to win the business on the optimum terms and ‘Stars of Tomorrow’ (giving new starters/juniors the perfect career launch).

  • Live online training sessions

    For all levels of staff, we run interactive sessions which are fast paced, fun and fantastically effective. Ranging from ‘Power Hours’ on specific subjects through to halfday sessions covering more ground in more detail. Feedback to all sessions has been fantastic!

  • Pre-recorded training sessions

    Bite-size high-impact training videos that can be digested anytime, anywhere. Branded and bespoke for your business, these will give your troops a powerful “shot in the arm” while introducing and reinforcing best practice techniques that are proven to boost business levels. Get in touch to find out more.

  • Consultancy and mentoring

    One-to-one support with Julian. He will discuss your challenges in complete confidence and provide an action plan of practical measures to turn any weaknesses into strengths. This approach has turbocharged performance in countless independent estate agencies around the country. Get in touch to find out more.

  • Mystery shopping

    Calls made to your business to assess the quality of service being delivered, followed by a full report and recordings. This serves as the best way to see a “warts and all” performance profile and leads to any chinks in your agency’s armour being spotted, assessed, addressed and turned into strengths. The perfect process to improve performance and results. Get in touch to find out more.


The benefits of training

Increased market share

Increased market share

Improved and protected fee levels

Improved and protected fee levels

Delivery of exceptional customer service

Delivery of exceptional customer service

Having an edge over your competition

Having an edge over your competition

Maximising results by upskilling staff

Maximising results by upskilling staff

Improving staff motivation and retention

Improving staff motivation and retention

Improved reputation through consistency of behaviour

Improved reputation through consistency of behaviour

Employees feel invested in

Employees feel invested in